Lacrosse Game photos and Links

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lacrosse Again - This Time it is fall practice with the CUW Concordia University Lacrosse Team

So I promise that I will again be posting photos that are intended to be art. I in fact have been driving and photographing in Wisconsin farm country so look for new "Rural" Images coming soon. But as a dad of a newly minted college kid. A kid who's dream had been to play Lacrosse in college, who dealt with a high school coach who seemed to not want to play him much, who stuck with it, who dealt with pain from a hernia then with surgery and then pain from nerve damage from that surgery. Who worked all summer lifting almost every day this past summer. So I had to post some photos from this weekend watching him practicing with his college team and getting a good amount of time on the field. He has stepped up and is living his dream. Because I am a dad!!! Go Ian!!!  

Ian Reim with a new Team- CUW

Ian Reim - Doing Drills 

Number 12 - Ian Reim 

Ian Reim 

One of Ian's Roomies Eric Carolan chasing the goalie

Ian picking up a grounder