Friday, March 14, 2014

Some Highlight Photos from the March 12, 2014 Clayton LAX Boys Varsity Vs. Priory Game!

Well the season has just started and the hounds are off to a great start. The record is 2 and 1. Here are some highlight photos from their win over Priory this past week. The Hounds were able to control the game for a 13-9 win over Priory!

Tim Nonet #19

Winning the Face Off!

Gabe Remshardt #5

Scoring once more!

Cooper Durham #12

Setting up for a score!

Steven Nelson #1

You know where this is headed!

Gabe Remshardt #5

 The scoring machine!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Some Recent New Images from St. Louis

Here are some recent new images from around the St. Louis area. These images did not make the cut for a recent photo competition/exhibit at the Sheldon Gallery celebrating the cities 250 year anniversary.
Stan Musial Veteran's Memorial Bridge

Railroad Trestles


Roberts Tower 1

Roberts Tower 2

Giro 1

Giro 2

Giro 3

In Formation

5 Arches

Modern Art in Snow

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Graflex Crown Graphic Camera - Finished! At least for now!

So the Crown Graphic that I have been working on is done. Thanks in no small part due to the rotten winter weather we have had. Being stuck indoors has indirectly encouraged me to spend time in the shop working on this an other projects. When I purchased this camera on EBay the seller had somewhat misrepresented the condition. More omission than commission. They did not say that it likely had been in a flood. They had mentioned that the bellows leaked. The camera has now been cleaned, the leather stripped and the wood refinished, the bellows patched both with cloth tape and with flexible black silicone sealant, the bellows treated to help preserve future flexibility and last but not least the leather handle has been replaced. Some of the metal parts have been repainted. But I opted not to dissasemble the entire door/focusing bed and have not repated the camera interior parts. Now that she is finished I have taken a few with it shots using Fuji instant film and some of my lens/shutter combinations and it seems to be working well. The bellows are for now light tight and should remain so with reasonable care. The lens and shutter that came with the camera have a ton of fungus and wiping scratches. The shutter also sticks and should I decide to keep her I will make an attempt at cleaning and lubrication. The lens on the other hand shows lots of fungus and wiping scratches. The shots I took with it are very soft. They sharpen a bit when stopped down in the middle F stop range. But when I use my other glass the images improve greatly. In short the body of this camera is back but the glass and shutter are still not what I would consider using.

Side View

Front View

Top View

Back View/Film Holder

Front Lens and bellows - Note patching at bellows points

Bellows Patch Details